Glassbooth is a non-profit, non-bias, nonpartisan and transparent organization that hopes to empower the American voter in making an informed decision at the polls. Don’t buy into the political horse race, vote on the issues instead.

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Hey, you’ll never believe it, but I just washed my hands with this soap! I bought 4 bars last year at the Saturday Market and still have some left. It is the best soap and lasts so long. I’ve told all my friends about Oregon Soap.

Michael Levin

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Sh’mal Ellenberg will be honored with a documenatry film on May 2 at 7:30PM in Reitz Union on the second floor. It’s aboout his work with the homeless.

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Life imitates art, originally uploaded by mlevin77.

Shot in Haile Plantation…the Swamp!

Think Before You Blog

Atlassian, makers of the JIRA issue tracker and Confluence enterprise wiki, has acquired Cenqua, makers of the popular Clover code coverage tool, and FishEye source repository viewer. The .NET version of Clover will be discontinued.

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After about 1,000 hours of combined work and a semester of presentations and lectures, students of the “Artificial Intelligence in Computer Games” course offered at the University of Florida got to show off their final products Monday.

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Mike Levin gives a lightning review of Patrick Lenz’s “Build your own Ruby on Rails Web Applications”.

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Spamalot is coming to Tampa. Please tell me about it if you’ve seen it. I am a big Monte Python fan.